Why does Michael Jordan have yellow eyes? Finding out more about the GOAT's condition

Posted by Martina Birk on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

When The Last Dance documentary hit the screens back in 2020, fans noticed Michael Jordan had yellowish eyes. Some even thought that Jordan might be suffering from a serious illness like jaundice, hepatitis or hemolysis but that's not the case.

According to Robin Peña of Medium, Jordan might be suffering from a form of melanosis, which is a conjunctival pigmented lesion. Specifially, the Hall of Fame guard has racial melanosis. It's a type of conjunctival pigmented lesion found in people with dark skin.

Melanosis usually increases with age and Jordan was 57 years old at the time the documentary was released. Peña added that the disease won't usually lead to melanoma, but people with the condition will need to undergo annual screenings to be sure.

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Michael Jordan to sell majority stake with Charlotte Hornets

Michael Jordan became the Charlotte Hornets' majority owner in 2010.

Michael Jordan's 13-year run as the majority owner of the Charlotte Hornets is coming to an end. Jordan is finalizing a deal to sell his majority stake in the franchise to a group led by businessmen Gabe Plotkin and Rick Schnall.

Plotkin is a minority owner of the Hornets since 2019, while Schnall has owned a minority stake with the Atlanta Hawks since 2015. For Schnall to get approved as a majority owner, he has to sell his stake with the Hawks. The sale will push through once the NBA's Board of Governors approves it.

Jordan bought the Hornets from Robert L. Johnson back in 2010 for around $275 million. In just 13 years, MJ helped increase the value of the team and he'll be able to sell his majority stake for a reported $3 billion. The Hornets might have failed as a team on the court, but Jordan certainly made a great investment.

Under Jordan's ownership, the Hornets made the playoffs three times and the play-in tournament twice. However, they never made it past the first round and both lost their play-in games in 2021 and 2022.

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Michael Jordan to retain minority ownership of the Charlotte Hornets

Michael Jordan at the 2016 NBA All-Star Game.

Despite selling his majority stake with the Charlotte Hornets, Michael Jordan will remain part of the franchise. As announced in the team's official press release of the sale, Jordan will still be a minority owner of the Hornets.

MJ might no longer be the boss in Charlotte but he's expected to have some sort of influence with the team. The new Hornets' regime is off to a great start after picking Brandon Miller second overall in the 2023 NBA draft. Miller will form a partnership with All-Star guard LaMelo Ball.

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